Sunday, October 07, 2007

Blogging = Procrastination.

How would you like to be Rick Saloman?

Your first question is probably who is Rick Saloman. Rick Saloman is a 38 year old man who, according to this story on "is best-known for making a sex videotape with Paris Hilton, his girlfriend at the time, and was previously married to actress Shannen Doherty."

To conclude his trifecta of suck, Mr. Saloman just married Pamela Anderson, STDs and all. Though I guess she is a trade up from Paris Hilton, I imagine their dinner conversations would go something like this:

RS: Hey Baby, let's get it on.

PA: When I was with Kid Rock we used to do it on the dinner table while we had biscuits and gravy.

RS: That sounds hot.

Repeat until thoroughly disgusted.

And no, this does not get the "Hot Girl" tag.


Rev. Joshua said...

Being married to Shannon Doherty way back when isn't a terrible thing and aside from the VD you'd pick up, Paris Hilton isn't totally out of the question, but Pam Anderson is really, really banged out at this point. Why not go after Charo?

Nate said...

There's a website called The Blemish, which reveals a lot of stupid little candid flops, blunders and uncomfortable truths about celebrities, esp. actresses.

They revealed that Paris Hilton has herpes, and takes Valtrex for it.

Rick Saloman better hope this marriage takes, else no girl would (should) touch him with a ten-foot pole with a condom on it.

Jake Palumbo said...

The more I meet people and the more I read about the dirty-goings-on behind closed doors in Hollywood and the entertainment industry, I'm pretty sure Rick Saloman isn't tripping over the fact he has herpes, whether or not he got it from Paris Hilton, or whether or not he gave it to Paris Hilton. Because everyone in that line of work has a VD of some sort. For years, it was just the result of drugs, recklessness and an inflated sense of one's own you get it free with your SAG card.