Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Discussion Question

An update of sorts....and a thought-provoking question for us to discuss.

First, the update. FIFA 08 came out yesterday and it is amazing. I'll have a full review up hopefully by Sunday, as I have a large stack of papers to grade on Saturday. I am also 40 pages into "Why White Kids Like Hip-Hop" and, I must say, it was a wise selection for a book review.

Now, for that discussion question:

Nickelback. Why?


Nate said...

>>Nickelback. Why?

Because it's all a part of the big plan of the RIAA to confound piracy. The more bands there are out there that sound exactly like each other, the less piracy there'll be, because all the bands will sound like suck.

Rev. Joshua said...

Nickleback: because God hates you.