Saturday, October 27, 2007

An important message from Biff Rosner

Mr. Palumbo would like to announce that as of last week, he now drinks Perrier; because he's grown up and mature now, and Perrier reflects his more "grown and sexy" tastes for this upcoming election season. SpaceLAB associate Buck as already been quoted as saying Mr. Palumbo has gotten "out of control" with his newfound love of mineral water.

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Perrier is not to be confused with things like Fiji Water, which are for Hollywood Liberals and wannabe celebrities. Perrier is the beverage for the thinking man, it allows carbonation without the constant bombardment of sugar.

Please update your records as such, the Selectman will issue a statement at a later date.

Biff Rosner
Assistant to the District Selectman
SpaceLAB Recordings

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