Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Job Search

Christ, I hate looking for jobs. Given my current search, Ron's resume post was timely and entertaining. Yesterday I was interviewing with a temp agency for a job and I was asked why I was interested in the job. I thought about pointing out that, like the interviewer, I gotta eat and live indoors. But I just spouted something about my existing skill set and variety of duties.

If I take the time to send someone a resume it's nice if the recipient sends some sort of response that they received the resume and that 1) they're reviewing candidates, 2) I don't fit the criteria, or 3) the position has been filled. I've sent out 12 resumes so far and gotten two responses and two notifications that my response was received.

The first response led to an interview for a call center position with a cellular company that I won't name, a position I didn't get. It was very disappointing, because of all of the interviews that I have ever done (and I have done many), it was the best I've ever done. I was calm, funny, and had good, clear answers for every question asked. The interview with the temp agency was mind-numbing and frustrating in the lack of preparation on the part of the recruiter. You contacted me about the job, why are you asking why I'm interested in it?

Hopefully, this search picks up soon. I'm not in danger of being homeless and starving, but damn if I don't like having money.

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