Sunday, October 07, 2007

SGM Book Reviews?

As our blog continues to evolve, I'd like to drop an idea that may or may not go anywhere.

We have came a long way since we split off from Shoom and Poop, or Whatever. We all know that and we articulate it from time to time. I think there is room to go farther. Since I do not have anywhere near the hi-tech photoshop and mp3 recording skills or Nate or Josh I am going to try, yet again, to start an SGM Book Review feature. This may or may not happen, as the tenure-track job market, my teaching load, and my administrative duties will always take precedence. But I need to write. I need to keep my skills sharp and stay in touch with cultural changes so I maintain some broad intellectual existence that could help with students and with future publications, etc.

With that being said, I'm going to pick as my first selection "Why White Kids Love Hip-Hop: Wankstas, Wiggers, Wannabes, and the New Reality of Race in America" by Bakari Kitwana. I am making this public pronouncement so as to ask you guys to hold my feet to the fire on this one. If you don't see it by Oct. 25th, post a reminder for me.


Rev. Joshua said...

Yes, dialing 867 5309 gets you a clip of "Jenny" by Tommy Tutone.

Nate said...

Yes, I wholeheartedly concur that this is a good idea.

The book reviews, not calling 867-5309.

Rev. Joshua said...

Shit, wrong post for those comments.

Anyway, I'm making an executive decision on the book report and moving the deadline up on that. I'm gonna need that on my desk by October 18th.

Ron said...

I checked the book out today, so barring injuries or stoppage time, it should be doable.