Monday, October 08, 2007

SGM Month of Halloween Horror Movie of October 8

"Dukes of Hazzard: The Ghost of the General Lee" (1979)

From the back of the box: “Bo and Luke scheme to haunt Boss Hogg after they’re blamed for a robbery they didn’t commit.”

The haiku review
Does a stolen watch
Justify a scheme so wild?
Spoiler: the Dukes live.

Did you know? James Best, the actor who portrays Roscoe P. Coltrane, starred in the cult film horror classic, “The Killer Shrews.”


Rev. Joshua said...

Is this the episode where they're mistakenly presumed dead and make Boss Hogg and Roscoe think the General is haunted, or is this a separate movie altogether?

Nate said...

This is that, indeed.