Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stop me if I've ranted about this before...

I work for an e-business, specifically a website that sells high-end digital cameras. I process 250-300 credit card numbers each day. Many of these credit cards are declined, requiring me to contact the customer's bank or the customer directly, to either get answers or an alternate payment method.

I find it particularly irritating when a customer asks:

(assume what Josh and I call a "hoota nack-mittag" voice)

"Can I puuuuuut this on my Master Charge???"

No ma'am, but we'll accept your Master CARD.

You would think when a card controls thousands of their hard-earned dollars, they could at least correctly identify the fucking card name.

I'm gonna start up my identity-theft business by pressing a few thousand MasterCharge cards and mailing them to consumers, who will in turn apply for said cards with all their personal info, because MasterCharge is a trusted name.


Rev. Joshua said...

Master Charge is the original name of the MasterCard. According the Almighty Wikipedia it was changed to MasterCard in 1979, so there's really no reason why people would continue to refer to a MasterCard as a Master Charge, but people are stupid so what can ya do?

Nate said...

Kinda like people who call it "the Wal-Mart."