Monday, January 16, 2006

The thing that burns my ass (today)

When someone asks other people to do stuff that they can do themselves. What makes it worse is when they can do the task in question during the course of their asking other people to do it.

Then, when they get fed up with other people not doing this task, they bitch at said persons for not doing it, instead of doing it themselves. At which point, it then takes approx 3 hours for the person to accomplish said task.

In other news, registered posting rocks~!


Ron said...

A couple of things make it worse. It is 10 times worse when the person asks you do to something that takes less than 2 minutes of work. Something like copying and pasting a link into a form.

It is 100 times worse when they beg for you to do it as if, by some weird twist of the universe, the task must be completed or else the earth falls out of alignment and goes screaming toward the moon.

In other news, Siouxsie and the Banshees are my new favorite undiscovered rock band.

Ron said...

You miss my point. They are undiscovered by me. I figured that, since they are listed on Napster, people knew who they are. I just hadn't.

You have to be a Democrat to listen to a certain rock band? That's funny. I would have thought that the GOP would have taken my registration card after I started listening to Public Enemy.

Rev. Joshua said...

You don't have to be a Dem to listen to certain musical acts, but I can't see the GOP letting that fru-fru goth crap slide by. They've done enough to squelch any possible revolution Chuck D. might start, so Public Enemy is largely irrelevant. Siouxsie, however, is pretty much the musical equivalent of gay sex.