I used to love April Fool's. All through elementary & high schools, I used to be the king of the prank. Teachers, students, my folks, friends, girlfriends ... no one was spared.
I guess it was in college that the fun just got sucked out of me. Kinda like the transition of Halloween to Jesus Freakfest, April Fool's Day just started to mean the wrong thing to the wrong people, and suddenly the fun of it got turned around. April Fool's Day now is just like a 24 hour "Punk'd" marathon.
Specifically, I blame radio station personalities for screwing up April Fool's Day, what with their stupid on-air prank calls & stupid programming decisions. When I lived in VA, one radio station played Elvis all day long, 24 hours straight through. Yep ... wow, that's pretty funny ... Elvis ... heh ... uh, yeah.
Ah, well, it's all in good fun today. On that note, I put a banner on "that other site" that used a Where's Waldo picture that I got from this game:
Give it a click, but be warned, it's pretty hard. It took me a few minutes to solve it.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Yay, it's April Fool's Day ...
Posted by
11:50 AM
Wasn't Anthrax at Allendale a Fun Fest event?
Anyway, I can remember April Fool's Day because it was the day I ended relationships twice. Once in 2004 (I ended it), once in....2006 (she ended it).
Wow. Irony is a bitch.
Brent -- It's a good thing you work at a place where they take calls, because you sure can't sell anything.
I don't know, Ron, the image of headbangers driving around a mansion (and in my mind, ALL mansions look like the one in Richie Rich comics) in Chevy Novas, spinning out in the mud while cranking while cranking "Caught in a Mosh" as loud as one busted speaker can be ... that's pretty funny.
You mean you already lost your job at Cingular?
When I said something about working at Cingular he said that he only lasted about six months. Not surprising, because that place gets old quick.
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