Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A legitimate question

I just saw a listing for "The Gin Blossoms Greatest Hits: The 20th Century Masters Collection."

My question, then, is in what category are the Gin Blossoms considered "20th Century Masters?" I mean, they were ok. Allison Road and Hey, Jealousy are pretty catchy tunes, but 20th Century Masters? If they are letting the Gin Blossoms in, do they let School of Fish and King Missle in? Should the collection be called "Decent Alternative Bands of the 90s Collection?"

The music industry will do whatever they can to sell you the same old stuff twice. They must be taking after George Lucas.

1 comment:

Rev. Joshua said...

If you're gonna call a Gin Blossoms collection "Greatest Hits," then there's no reason to stop lying about it there. Why not take it a stretch further and call them "20th Century Masters?" And hey, go ahead and put it in the "Music" section of electronics departments in Wal-Marts all across America, because if no one calls you on the first two lies, they won't call you on the third.