Okay, you come in the side door from the driveway, and you'll be looking in our kitchen area:
Just look at that counter space! I might actually start doing more cooking, now that I have a fair amount of space and live < 5 min away from work. The outlets are taped off for painting duty, in case you're wondering. In the upper right corner, you see a cabinet that's taped off. One of our ideas was to paint the inner "gutter" area of the cabinet the same shade of blue as the walls in the living room. I don't think we're going with that idea now, but we haven't taken the tape off yet. Knowing both of us, it will probably be up for Halloween.
If you turn to your left, you see our fireplace. The jacked-up areas in the wall are where the previous owners had a shelf hanging over it, underneath which was the flat screen plasma television, and on top of which was the cable box. There's an odd outlet in the wall because of that, and, of course, jerkwad set it up so that the only cable hook-up in the room is, yep, over the fireplace. We'll be getting that fixed, soon enough.
So, this is the living room. The blue walls are what we're converting the room to; it was a nice shade of institutional green. The previous owner was a contractor for Abbeville's new hospital, and we're thinking that more than a few supplies happened to be "stored" at our new house ... as such, we have some suspicions about where the color scheme came from.
The main sitting area, where the couch will be ... Honestly, we have just gotta do something about those blinds. We're looking at some dark faux1 wood blinds, to match the door & fireplace trim. The white trim around the windows and floor, we're gonna turn to a dark blue.
1You wanna get in an unnecessary argument, just for shits and giggles? Keep pronouncing "faux" as "fox," and then debate it like you're dead certain that you're right and the other person is wrong.
I bypassed the guest bathroom and took you straight to the crapper in the main bedroom (you know, where the magic happens ... the bedroom magic, not the bathroom magic, for all the virgins in the house). We might just be converting the shower into a standup format only ... that'll come in time. Hopefully, it won't take so long that by the time it's finished, I'll be so old that I'll need a stool to sit down while I wash out my chattahoochee.
The dresser that we got with the house, and it's a pretty nice one. Check out those hardwood floors ... that's pine there, baby.
This is the sight you see when you get the fuck out my house. That other door you saw in the living room a few pics up was the front door; this is the side door. That light is really low-hanging ... it's measured at being about 7" from the ground. Kidding aside, it comes to just under my nose. An aside: Okay, look at the green in the walls. That's what we're painting over. Now, try to tell me we made the wrong decision.
I tried to put those pictures together to give you some perspective on the span of the bedroom layout; this is actually taken in the office, which has the only closet. There's actually less junk in the other bedroom, but I wanted to include that purse in the pic, because that thing was a present to the wife, and it cost more money than what she has in it ... HAHAHAHAHA!! 'Cause we're poor! HAHAHAHA!
Okay, you see me, and in the background, you see my wife. So, who took the picture, you ask? Oh ho, let me tell you. I was holding onto the camera while she was painting, but I was feeling bored so I started taping over the trim ... just trying to helpful, ya know?
She: "Hey, honey?"
I: "Yeah?"
She: "Could you come here for a minute?"
I: "Sure."
I: "Mother-FUCKER!"
Good times.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
A semi-virtual tour of the new house
Posted by
11:09 PM
Nice color choice. Carolina Blue. Tasteful, yet awesome.
Be honest. Did you find a ceiling light in a closet and decide to hang it up next to the side door for comedic purposes? Was the guy who lived before you 3 feet tall? I can't for the life of me understand why a celing light would be placed 5.5 feet off the ground.
I do wish that were a joke, 'cause then I could have just taken the light down afterward. But as of right now, we're stuck.
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