It would appear we are now operating at max capacity again, as far as our full contingent of colleagues is concerned. I was very happy to see Will's name return to the contributor list.
Still no definite solution to the rotating background images puzzle, but until such time as that's solved, I will probably just do monthly bgs in add'n to monthly banners, like I used to get no appreciation for at That Other SiteTM. Until then (or until Jan 1, whichever), enjoy the Shining tribute bg.
During the week, I'll probably be adding tags to posts of yore, so that they'll fit nice & snug into the labels that we are blessed with. I'm certain I might have some behind the scenes help in the form of Joshua, who added some topics & labels already. And feel free to add labels when you post, too.
So far, this has worked out pretty well. SGM v2.0 is apparently full-effecting. And 2007 will hopefully bring on even more of the new.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Alright ... Beta Blogger update
Posted by
12:06 PM
Yeah, I was up until 4 AM reading old posts. I should have been tagging them, but I was more interested in reading and I've got an idea of the tags we need. I think the remaining tags would be Music, Movies, Video Games/Electronics, maybe a Miscellaneous tag for random topic posts, possibly Politics, and an SGM Classic tag for posts that go above and beyond. Mike's post about Ricky Morton being a political victim of Bill Clinton, the post where I broke out the line about a gay man tossing your salad and Nate's lost weekend post where he brings the misogyny being good examples of Classic posts. Also, you can put multiple tags in a post, so Ron's post would be Wrestling, SGM Classic.
I thought of an all-encompassing "Reviews" tag at one time. Politics could also double as "Social Commentary." I like a "SGM Classic" label. Oh, and for some reasoning unbeknownst to even my own bad self (probably a glitch in my psychotropic regimen today), I'd like to make a motion to add a "The" to the "Wrestling" label.
That is all.
But seriously, I also second that reading old posts thing, 'cause I was going to just simply review the old stuff and add labels this AM, but damned if I didn't get all wound up in reading everything, esp. the "Lost SF Projects" one.
We are prolific motherfuckers.
Almost shocking in our proliferation, we certainly do some writin'.
I looked into the expandible post summaries, but it appears that the explanation is for the old style blog and they still don't explain how to make the "read more" disappear when not used. It may turn out to be easier with the new style, but I haven't seen an answer yet. I'm also going to add "SGM" to the "Classic" label, you can take care of adding "The" to the "Wrestling" label.
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