I've been meaning to kick this off for a couple of days now. No big take this year, but one of the Christmas traditions of the family is that giving tends to go mostly toward the younguns, meaning that my niece and nephew make out like fucking bandits.
I did come away with a 512MB stick of RAM for the ol' PC (which, given the age of the rig I own, is like putting drag slicks on an '93 Tercel); "Deadwood: Stories of the Black Hills," a companion book for HBO's "Deadwood;" Family Guy DVD Vol. 4; a handheld NFL trivia game; a pair of pants, a sweater and a Robert Graham button up shirt that I couldn't describe if my life depended on it, but it's pretty slick; the Far Side 2007 daily calender; and $60 is American cash money, $20 of which was spent on "Clerks 2." As an aside, Clerks 2 turned out far better than I expected although that may be the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Swag - The Thread!
Posted by
Rev. Joshua
11:24 PM
I received: a padfolio and business card holder so I look professional at job interviews, a leather laptop case for the same reason, $100 in gift certificates for Barnes and Noble (so far have purchased Tom Friedman's _The World is Flat_ and Bernard Lewis's latest book on Islam), $200 cash money, 2 or 3 shirts, and I think that is it.
I got gift cards to Wal-Mart, FYE, and a Simon card that I'm hoping I can use online. I also got a combination Ch'mas/b'day gift of $120. It was a tough couple of months in ol' Newport town.
But the spouse did get me a nice portable DVD player. And the gift cards got me some pretty nice DVDs. I got a nice outdoor temperature/ atomic clock from pops-in-law. I was happy with Christmas ... like I said in earlier comments, I do hope my people all get healthy soon.
And tomorrow's my birthday. I'm officially Magic Johnson's jersey number.
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