Friday, December 08, 2006

"Good news, everyone!" - Prof Farnsworth, Futurama

Apparently our little forum has been transferred to the Beta format, so we can now organize stuff better.

So, if you see this option in your dashboards, please sign on for it. Just know, apparently your email is your log-in name is your email. Took me a while to figure that out, for some reason.

And, Rockstar, I lost your email. Hook me up with that, please.


Nate said...

Well ...

I can see what I'll be working on this weekend.

Kirk out.

Ron said...

All right, I'm back on board. I don't use Google mail much, but I did manage to get a good sn for it.

Rev. Joshua said...

I actually like that bar, it seems to be a bit more functional now. What I'm interested in are the categories and putting one of those "read more" cuts in posts so our longer posts don't knock older posts right off the main screen.

Nate said...

Will's in the house!

We are now functioning at full capacity!! Beware world!