Wednesday, January 17, 2007

? about music you guys dig

I realize, in making these music podcast things, that not everyone shares my love for rap music, surf, and movie soundtracks. What kinda music would you guys like to seen end up on these things? I'm not opposed to buying some CDs, as long as I'm not going to be sorely disappointed, and I trust you suys in your opinions.

I'm working on February's mix now ... I think all of you have gotten a glimpse of part of it, either on AIM or through email. While some suggestions might not make it on this one, it might make it on the next.


Rev. Joshua said...

The way I look at it, it's your podcast and your opportunity to drop stuff on us. Others may feel differently.

I might bite your style and make my own podcast at some point, though.

Ron said...

Yeah, do whatever you feel.

I dig the harmonica deal you sent me also. That is a great speech.

Rev. Joshua said...

After spending waaay too much time tagging and renaming my mp3 files using an awesome mp3 tagger, Mp3tag, which allows me to indulge my OCD-driven need to have all of my mp3 files named in Artist - Album - Track #- Title format, I generated a WinAmp playlist. You can see it here, if you're interested in looking at it. Some stuff is overrepresented in terms of my actual taste and other stuff is underrepresented. But there it is.

Also, Nate, did you get the last email I sent about random backgrounds?

Nate said...

I already wrote a response but blogger ate it.

1) By all means, anyone that wants to put up one of these, please do. I love being exposed to new stuff whenever I can. Plus, it'd be cool to have a month where we have two of these to download. And don't feel like you have to follow my template either (open with science fiction dialogue, title the work with whatever that date is notable for, etc.)

2) Glad you liked that, Ron.

3) I like the mp3 list. You might actually see some of those on a 'cast in the future.

4) I got the email, but I'm a FTP 'tard. I might have to get some coaching on it, maybe in another AIM session.

Rev. Joshua said...

FTP's not hard, it just takes a few tries to get used to. It's hard to find a good free FTP program, but I'll look around. I'll likely be on AIM Sunday night after the football games, probably around 8 or 9 PM. Although I'm usually on my computer late at night and AIM is always running, so if you're up tonight, see if I'm on.