Okay, soooo, which is worse ....
The two guys housing a 29 yr old guy and having a sexual relationship, being upset that he wasn't a 12 yr old boy [more]
The family of a woman who died of water poisoning in a radio contest is suing the station that hosted said contest, in which the woman entered & competed of her own decision & free will. [more]
(No fair writing in votes for either the woman or the 29 year old sex offender, either.)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Dregs of humanity ... face off!! Only on SGM!!
Posted by
8:43 PM
Labels: Current Events and Politics
The story about the woman drinking herself to death was a top story on USA Today after it happened, and being that USA Today is the only non-cell phone related commercial website we can access at work, a number of people mentioned it. Surprisingly, the fact that you can actually drink yourself to death with water, something I learned in ninth-grade health class, was not known to my manager or a couple of the other people that brought it up. I'm not much for the idea that one's own stupidity, unless you're entertaining others with it, is the key to fabulous wealth. But there is a responsibility on the part of the radio station and its' employees not to subject people to stunts that are inherently harmful. If those involved with promoting the stunt knew of the possibility of a toxic reaction to high levels of water and didn't inform the participants, then they are to some degree liable and they owe the woman's family some large compensation. If the woman was made aware of the risk by the station, then it's on her. The caller who warned of the possibility comes in to play, but not to much degree.
All that said, none of that is as fucked as the other story. That story is fucked on so many levels it's impossible to know where to begin. How does a 29-year old man convince anyone he's 12? When they were fucking him, didn't they suspect his cock was a bit large for a 12-year old? Does he have a tiny cock? Is he a midget? When confronted with the truth BY A POLICE DETECTIVE, why make the story worse by being angry that he was a 29-year old and not a 12-year old? How did these people even find each other? MySpace? Why has God not smote this planet yet? This is why I'm an atheist. You might say "well, God doesn't involve himself directly because of free will." Fuck that. If I was God, I would have gotten involved. They would have known my fucking name.
That may be the most logical defense of atheism I have ever read.
Also, I agree that the 12 - 29 year old sex offender story is the most screwed up think I have read in a long time. You essentially had 4 guys in one house, all ostensibly gang-banging each other, and they went out to FIND MORE KIDS! There is obviously something really, really off-kilter with guys who are already "taking advantage of a minor" (in quotes because the guy is really 29) who go to find others. It is almost like they are trying to spread some mental virus of abuse. Ugh.
Also, and Josh spoke to this already, how could they not know the guy was really 29? Think of the lengths he must have went to to stay 12 to these guys. Want to go to the store? Have to walk it, 12 year olds can't drive. Want to go to an R-rated movie? Can't get in unless you are 17. This guy either deserves an oscar for "living the gimmick" or these two guys are the dumbest sons of guns in Arizona. (and if you look at the 61 year old, you may want to cast your vote for the latter)
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