Monday, January 15, 2007

More Wiki-Comedy

Go read the page for Brian Adams (Wrestler). Go into the history, and look at the last page before it was edited by Deedc. Someone, somewhere, has decided to up the ante on my Brian Adams comedy.

Move along, there is nothing else to see here.


Nate said...

Well, I do hope that Best Buy gig works out for Brian, er, Brenda.

Rev. Joshua said...

"There had been lies on the internet and sites saying that Brian Adams was born a woman and was working at kroger in Kona Hawaii and Target in Texas. It is absolutely not true. These lies started when a group of fans started a running joke on Brian Adams on a message board."

That sentence is poorly constructed, demonstrates a biased POV and is a lie in and of itself: you started this entire thing on his Wikipedia entry, not some unnamed message board.

Ron said...

I know. I think someone else is taking credit for it. That kinda sucks, but the whole Brian Adams saved a midget from a clown line is pretty good.