Everytime I say that I have seen it all, I see something else.
I would like to start this post by officially apologizing to Vince McMahon for criticizing the first episode of the new ECW. While it did not meet my expectations (which were admittedly high after the first ECW reunion PPV), it was not the absolute horrific train wreck that is Wrestling Society X.
For those of you who don't know, WSX is an MTV show that has been in production for something like 2 years. It debuted this week, and I caught the reply tonight. I could list 50 things I should have done instead, but I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt until the end. Fortunately, it is only a 30 minute show.
There were two matches tonight. The first actually wasn't that bad. It was between two cruiserweight guys (one of whom was managed by a preppy looking blone girl that wasn't that bad). It was a good match until the finish, when a busted-ish spot that involved a guy jumping off of her into a spinning DDT. All in all, 2 count on this one.
Then the crap started.
The "main event" was a 10 man WSX Rumble. 2 guys start. New guy every 45 seconds. Once all 10 are in, ladders are thrown in the ring and the first two guys to grab one of two contracts hanging above the ring are in the title match. Enough stipulations for you? Wait! There's more! If your feet hit the floor you are out. Not over the rope, just if your feet hit the floor. Also, they have a number of obstacles on the floor that if you go through, you are out. They included tables (ho-hum), live electric wires in a box (?!?!?), and a big box with a chain link fence on top of it that were filled with explosives (?!?!?!?!?!?!?!). So it starts, and it can't go too many places from there.
Our first WWE/TNA reject is Justin Credible, looking exactly as he did 2 years ago. Number 2 is Teddy Hart. Standard HArt gimmick....trained in the Dungeon, wearing pink. DOn't know if he is a legit Hart, but here he is. HArt has some good moves and hits some high spots.
Next guy I don't recall. He comes in and gets whipped. Then the wheels completely fall off when Vampiro comes out. I haven't seen Vampiro since 2001. He still has bad makeup, but he has also gained about 50 pounds. He also lost the ability to sell offense. He no sold a number of chops (if he is the monster face, we have a bigger problem than I thought).
After a commercial break in the middle of the match....
A few more people are out. One guy who looked like Psychosis but I don't think it was him. SOme guy names Kaos. Some guy named Alcatraz. And then....
Chris Hamrick and New Jack.
At the same time. Chris Frigging Hamrick and New Jack. Hamrick is billed from Bristol, TN, and apparently he is playing a racist gimmick. That's the kind of PR the Tri-Cities needs. So New Jack deposits Hamrick through a table. Then he jumps out after him. Ref DQs him. Ref thrown in ring. Ref gets guitar shot. Ok...so things are looking up when....
That no-talent loser Sean Waltman comes out smoking a cigarette and calling himself 6-Pac.
Sean Waltman. The man who got run off of the Surreal Life for crying over Chyna is now on here trying to reboot his career. So he gets in there and starts fighting.
Well, time is about to run out, so we get a guy suplexed into the box of live wires and they have these overexaggerated special effects that were obviously added in post-production that makes it look like the guy just shut down the power grid for the eastern seaboard. It looked cheesy as hell.
Then, person number 10 came in. Some jobber-looking fool named "Youth Suicide." Did you ever hear about how government agents would drive around in "non-descript" sedans? This guy is a "non-descript" wrestler. He was wearing black and a hat. He had a bucket of tacks. He got in, dumped the tacks, and Vampiro powerbombed him into them.
Then, the ladders come out. Waltman gets one (of course). Vampiro puts Youth Suicide into the box of explosives. Cue ludicrous special effects. Vampiro and Credible on the ladder. Waltman knocks off Credible and Vampiro gets the second spot.
So overall,the match gets a 1 count. THe show gets an automatic DQ for the special effects, the tendancy to cut to a screaming fan everytime a wrestler hits a spot, and the fact that it is filmed in a small TV studio. Utterly unwatchable. Sean Waltman should be selling TVs at Best Buy.
Friday, January 26, 2007
WSX = Shit
Posted by
11:36 PM
Labels: The Wrestling
Teddy Hart is also a legit Hart, the son of one of the Hart girls. He is known for being fired from every promotion he has ever worked for due to his habit of being a dick.
That's amazing. If you believe Wikipedia, the WWf....er....WWE signed him to be part of "The New Hart Foundation." The idea recycler continues.
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