Friday, October 05, 2007

SGM Month of Halloween Horror Movie for October 5

"The Gravedancers" (2006)

From the back of the box: “After a drunken night of dancing on graves, a group of friends are haunted by three havoc-minded ghosts bent on revenge.”

The haiku review
Grinning ghouls stalk them,
Burial desecration
Their only mistake.

What rocked: The set-up of the scares were more than your usual “tense music increases then OH MY SHIT oh thank God it’s just the cat OH SHIT THERE’S THE GHOST!!” This actually had the set-up of a well-crafted Asian ghost story film … without them skinny bitches with the long black hair.

What sucked: I think there needed to be more done with the psychopathic ghost. That and a lesbo scene between the two female leads.

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