Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The fate of wrestling

What is going on?

Who is getting tired of the WWE and TNA? I e-mailed Nate my thoughts on this coming Mania. I do not have a lot to say. I mean Taker versus Undertaker--okay could be good, but do we really care? Also triple threat- Cena, Triple H. Orton-- who is betting their mortgage that Triple H wins that one. Oh yeah Big Show fights a boxer. Nothin else needs to be said on that.

TNA- do we care that Angle is having problems with the wife. How many times can Booker T fight Roode.

We need originality and we need it fast. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Nate said...

Wrestling fans online seem to think that Mayweather's initial involvement with the Big Show was just the bee's knees. The one thing I liked about it was how Big Show came out in a face-like reappearance, attacked Rey Misterio to much heel heat, then gets a major pop from taking a stiff punch to the face. (Stop me before I smark comment again!)

Outside of MAYBE the Money in the Bank match, I don't give a shit about anything else on the card. And honestly, I don't give a shit about the Money in the Bank match.