Saturday, May 24, 2008

Site update (sort of)

Kinda figured you guys might be getting tired of the same images rotating around, so I added back some old and new banners and backgrounds. And funny thing, some of this stuff I'd forgotten about, like the Black Belt Jones banner and a supervillain background that I'd done a long time ago (maybe a few years ago ... I think it was originally planned for some other site).


Rev. Joshua said...

Nice to see some old classics up there, especially the original SGM banner with the mad black scientist. I took the "No Pedos" out of the rotation because it was topically funny but aesthetically terrible and is outdated now.

Rev. Joshua said...

Oh, also, what's in the new banner with what looks like Vader's full headgear with the skull floating on the shoulder? It's a pretty badass banner.

Nate said...

I just swiped an image wholesale from Vader's website & sharpened the image a little to give it a different look. I actually have a few more images I found (still cleaning out my desktop ... STILL have a review of Palumbo's CD trapped on my hard drive) that I'll be turning into banners.

Good call on the "pedo" banner ... served its purpose, I believe. And, it probably did steer away a few pedos.

And incidentally, I think I forgot to add in the background that included numerous photo references to vajayjay colloquialisms.