Saturday, June 28, 2008

Science Gone Mad: Audio eXchange

Been listening to this all week, for some reason ...

"Once in a Lifetime" - Talking Heads

One of the first groundbreaking videos of MTV's history ... David Byrne in that big ass suit. Plus, we sing the refrain at work, on an almost daily basis ... "same as it ever was, same as it ever was."

It's been a hell of a week, so I am allowed some cyncism.

1 comment:

Ron said...

When I first got into downloading music (back when it was easy and free), as I was a poor kid growing up and didn't have money to buy many CDs, this was on my first mix-CD. The CD was titled "Now That's What I Call Stuff Vol.1," and this was track 4 or 5. It is the best Talking Heads song, with the possible exception of "What a Day That Was." Too bad he never answers the question "How did I get here?"