What constitutes free speech?
I heard and I am not sure if it is true, but is an interesting thought. A student at a high school stood on the lunchroom table and yelled out "F**k You!" to everybody. He was arrested but then no charges were filed because it did not cause a riot and free speech. Now, does this mean people have the right to say what they want to say even if it is breaking the rules. Of course if that is a rule at the school and it is written saying that "Students may not stan on lunchroom table and yell f**k you to everyone" If they have that listed as a rule I want to see it. So, boys and girls the next time you get a traffic ticket or summoned to serve on a jury--you may use your right and tell them to f**k off- AHHHHH Free Speech- Love it!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Free Speech??
Posted by
6:06 PM
There are some communities that have things that are called something like "good taste" laws, or something similar, where you can be arrested and prosecuted for swearing in public. Apparently, though, this kid was either not a residence of said type of community, or no one was smart enough to catch on to that idea.
My question is, philosophically, what's the difference between this kid's actions and watching a movie where the characters swear an obscene amount (like a Tarantino or Kevin Smith flick)?
Moreso than the free speech issue, though, there should be laws in place to prevent people from being dicks. But then you'd have to come up with some standard by which to operationally define dickery, and who would you appoint to that task? Shit, the Simpsons showed in an episode that even the most learned citizens can be capable of disagreement and turmoil, so really, what chance is there?
(Assuming of course that you can use the Simpsons as a litmus test for the direction of humanity, which if course is ludicrous ... we all know that "King of the Hill" has more in common with humanity. Yep.)
Speaking of censorship, why did you censor yourself? Feel free to say "fuck." A lot. I do.
Anyway, swearing in public is constitutionally protected ("community standards" generally refer to censoring porn). And while in school, children generally have greatly reduced civil rights, but they still aren't open to criminal prosecution for swearing. If his actions caused a riot then he would be prosecuted for inciting a riot. If the school has a prohibition against vulgar language, he may face suspension.
True- Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel better.
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