Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nate's Shower Thought for the Day

I came up with an idea for a new game show.

Since we're now inundated with game shows of questionable repute - particularly "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" and "Moment of Truth" - I propose a game show concept that tests knowledge and promotes base humiliation based on personal preferences.

The show's called, "What're You, Queer?" You find contestants that claim to be or are presumed to be unquestionably heterosexual. You then proceed to ask them questions that stereotypically, as well as realistically, only gay people would know.

The questions are multiple choice, with three answers apiece. All three answers are correct answers, to certain degrees. Each answer is rated a number value, based on its level of correctness, and hence its level of gayness. Example, I stole this one off an internet quiz:

"How do you like your bottoms to act during sex?"
a. Lie there and be still. (worth, say, 1 pt)
b. "Take it bitch!" (worth 5 pts)
c. I am a bottom. (worth a whopping 10 pts)

The more points you accummulate, the more money you make. In other words, the gayer you are, etc. etc.

Since it's the big thing for washed-up comedians and actors to host these types of things, I'm thinking Brian Austin Green of "90210" fame.

And at the end of each show, as guests fall into a certain point range, the host will congratulate them based on their overall gayness. Ex. "Well, Bob, you didn't walk home with a whole lot of money, but rest assured that you aren't all that gay." Or "Well, Joe, you did fantastic job on today's show, which proves the motto we have on 'What're You, Queer:' It pays to be gay! See you all next time!" Cue outro music.


Rev. Joshua said...

I laughed heartily at the sudden reveal of your game show's name.

"What're You, Queer?" It actually needs to be hosted by Diedrich Bader as "Lawrence" from Office Space.

"Watch out for your cornhole, buddy" would be a great closing line for each episode.

DAmnNearFonzie said...

MyNetwork Tv would pick it up in a heartbeat.

When I worked there, they had more gay shows(it was the local UPN affilaite), so during the daytime hours it was gayness and court shows.

The program manager smokes, ummm...the pink pipe.