Monday, September 08, 2008

Very, very bizarre

I don't know what to make of this.

Way back in 1997, when the internet was young and was a lowly undergrad, I set up an account on one of the free mail websites. I didn't want to use my name, mainly because I thought that someone would track me down or some such, so I used a celebrity's name. This person played in the NFL and was at that time in his prime. Though I didn't pull for his team he was an impact player and a very well-known figure. For no reason I chose his name and have kept the account for the last 11 years.

Tonight I found out that his daughter is in my class.

How. Frigging. Strange.

1 comment:

Nate said...

I'll ask the first question that popped in my head:

Has she ever emailed you?