Wednesday, October 01, 2008

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I love that new tag Josh.

From the new Journal of Popular Culture: "The Performance of Nonconformity on The Muppet Show—or, How Kermit Made Me Queer"

Read this article to find out why Miss PIggy and Janice the guitar player were really drag queens, why Gonzo is queer, and why Elton John's guest appearance "may" have shaped a generation.


Rev. Joshua said...

You didn't link to the article, but please don't because I will kill someone if I read it. The Muppets and Mr. Rogers are pretty much the only things on this planet beyond reproach. Even if Mr. Rogers is dead.

And yeah, any article that can be summed up like that definitely deserves this tag.

Ron said...

I don't want to publish any clips due to copyright restrictions and all that, but yeah I think I sum it up pretty accurately.