Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Subliminal Advertising on SGM?

Here on my work PC I noticed something odd about Will's last post.

Notice those two small lines under the paragraph. The first time I saw them I thought it was just the computer being wonky, but today I realized they must be something a bit more sinister. So I copied the entire post, lines included, and pasted it into Word.

Those last two lines appear to have a Font Size of 1. Suspicious indeed.

It appears Will is secretly doing the dirty work of Vince McMahon, attempting to infiltrate our subconcious psyches with plugs for Hell in the Cell DVDs.

Well, I for one won't stand for it.



Nate said...

Hm ... now that you mention it, there have been some posts in the past that have had those lines, and now I want to seek them out & see what other stuff has been hidden from view ... it might explain my history of purchases for, hell, as long as this forum's been running!

Will said...

That is the funniest shit I have ever reads on here. I needed that laugh. I have never been compared to Vince McMahon before. I ahve been compared to Big Show (stop laughing Nate).

Rev. Joshua said...

At work I use Internet Exploder and I see the lines on Will's post and also the line at the end of my post. But at home, on Firefox, I don't see anything, and there isn't any text to copy. Weird.

Nate said...

The conspiracy thickens...

Will said...

I am not smart enough to do any of this on purpose.