Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A blog I'm going to actually try and keep current

As you might have heard me mention, my next album will be called Unfocused 3rd Album. With my current state of unemployment (more on that later), I've decided to document the process of making the record, also because I thought it would be neat to have some sort of daily journal.

Also I thought it would be cool to make public my un-focused, inconsistent, idiosyncratic, overly-ambitious, all-over-the-place, clueless-with-my-thumb-up-my-ass, going-nowhere-fast efforts. I will attempt to emulate a Hip-Hop version of Brian Wilson at his most bat-shit crazy.

You can go to:


Nate said...


I've always been a sucker for those behind-the-music kinds of things (as I've mentioned before, the BTS on "The Closer" still has that track ranked as my favorite). So I expect I'll stay pretty updated with this.

Ron said...

Looking forward to it. If you need me to check your lyrics for historical accuracy, let me know.