Personally, I loves it.
I do agree with Nate in that I would have supported a McCain nomination in 2000, as he was the most level-headed of his party at the time. And honestly I don't really have a problem with John McCain. I think he does love his country, and I think he made a good concession speech. He took it like a man, so to speak. My main concern
was that the war would never end under his regime, that McCain, as decent of a Republican he might be, couldn't make changes with the Old Guard still intact, and that a man who spent as long in a torture camp as he did would still carry some "off-his-rocker" type vibes.
The large margin by which Mr. Obama won also restored a bit of my faith in America to not be racist pieces of shit. I live in arguably the Bluest state in the nation (as well as a melting pot of every race and nationality there is), so while I don't really experience that kind of attitude like I did when I lived in, say, Morristown - I did get fairly disgusted in early-to-mid election at the attitudes of people who should frankly know better. I got dragged into a bit of a war-of-words on Facebook over the topic. Many of you probably know that my day job is entirely staffed by Orthodox Hasidic Jews. A couple of my co-workers are my friends on Facebook. Without a long, dragged out story, let's just say that some of the things they were saying online were far beyond radical, and their friends who chimed in were even worse, and the discourse essentially equated to (and was literally described by words like) "Hang that Socialist N*****!!!"
Only being able to listen to a certain degree of bullshit before I weigh in, I said something to the effect of "you would think if your grandparents and great-grandparents had been Easy-Baked, you would have a better understanding that hatred and bigotry has no place in a free society." And I'm sure you can imagine how THAT went over...
Regardless, I know the Bubbas down at the filling station aren't going to change how they feel anytime soon, but got damn if America as a whole didn't put that bullshit aside and at least attempt to realize that a house divided against itself...well, you get the picture.
During the discourse between Ron and the Reverend on these pages, Jo$hua speculated on the percentage of the GOP who were not "Confederate Yokels, Backwoods Mouthbreathers and other assorted Travelodytes. (Forty percent? Sixty percent? All of them except Ron?)" And folks after my best non-scientific, un-substantiated research the survey says...
All of them except Ron. And supposedly this guy in Des Moines. Cause frankly, yall motherfuckers drank the Kool-Aid, with some of the stuff I heard the average, intelligent-to-the-naked-eye American citizen spit out. As if Barack Obama was the living incarnation of Beelzebub, who was literally salivating at the notion of being able to hoodwink America into letting him turn us into a Communist war-zone, and giving the Taliban an open-door to blow us to shreds. As if one man, in four years time, will turn us into the Soviet Union circa 1982; where we are robbing each other for potatoes due to our Socialist poverty, and killing babies for sport due to our moral depravity. If he's not your candidate, fine. If you totally disagree with everything dude stands It's called democracy (accepting that we don't agree on things and trying to find a common ground). But are you really listening to yourself?
There are of course plenty of conservatives who are eloquent speakers and make solid, even at times convincing cases as to why their side is in the right. But actions speak louder than words, and the Republican party, through their actions, have made it clear that they don't give a fuck about Main Street, that "tradition" is more important than "progress" and that it is more important to blow up Brown people, than to strengthen America by CRAZY, SOCIALIST ideas like making sure we all have health care and are able to go to college. Yall were fat and happy for a long time, and I totally understand why you didn't want it to end. And while I will agree with you that Obama's tax polices and such will likely force the American business owners to cough a larger share up into the many of yall are actually business owners???
Chances are you're a worker, who punches in and out each day and collects a check at the end of the week. Forgive the man for trying to help THOSE people not be relentlessly shit on by "tradition." And besides, for every honest, hard-working small business in this country who would be hurt by a tax increase, there are 25 or more large businesses whose CEO's are buying new Mazerati's because their workers break their backs for peanuts.
So, with that said...Congratulations America on getting it right for once. Whether you voted for Obama or not, congrats on the huge voter turnout, congrats on voicing your opinion, and for fuck's sake let's try to get this ship back on track.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
My three-cents worth.
Posted by
Jake Palumbo
12:00 PM
Labels: Current Events and Politics, SGM Super 30: Black Professional Wrestlers
As my usual disclaimer, I am in no way a political analyst, and nothing I say should be construed as legal advice.
Well put. Also, I thought about categorizing my post in the Black Wrestlers section, too, but decided against it.
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