Reprinted from my MySpace Blog...
First, read this:
I hope that the 200-plus people that trampled this worker to death got some AMAZING FUCKING SAVINGS on Black Friday, that it was worth the death of this dude who worked tirelessly for a shitty wage and poor benefits. I understand that the American consumer is roughly a step below child molesters and Osama Bin Laden on the respectability scale, and I know that New Yorkers are animals who have no reasonable sense of...well, sense. But Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ.
Seriously. Is it THAT fucking important to get to the Hannah Montana toys, or that Barbecue Grill Set that's on sale for $19.99??? That you can't just walk at a brisk pace into Wal-Mart to get your shopping done? Buck and I were discussing this, and a bum-rush of this nature MIGHT happen...IN A FUCKING FOOD LINE IN GHANA!!!! I have always been disgusted by "Black Friday shoppers" and their behaviour patterns. You people claim to be grown-ups, adults, people who might even have children (god forbid) that you attempt to discipline and teach the "right" way to do things.
I truly feel in my heart (and I'm not just saying whacked-out things to be shocking) that after that happened, Al Quaeda should have swooped in and blown those 200 people to shreds...9/11 II: Electric Boogaloo, live from Long Island.
So in closing, I hope that multi-purpose flashlight for $8.99 and the X-Box games you got at 10% off are just really fucking bougeious-amazing, and that the family who will be one person short this Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa/etc. - oh, and since he worked for Wal-Mart, his insurance (if he even had insurance) will probably cover roughly $15-$25 of his medical and death costs - is far from your mind this holiday season as you revel in your worthless, consumerist lives. I truly hope your life ends in tragedy.
Friday, November 28, 2008
This disgusts me to the brim of my bitter soul..
Posted by
Jake Palumbo
2:31 PM
Labels: You Gotta Be Shitting Me
I have been meditating on the events of the local Valley Stream Wal Mart and their ramifications throughout the day. My conclusion is this: If sweet chubby baby Jesus is the director of this movie we call life, the time has come to scream "CUT!" It's over. We're done. I'm sick to my stomach over this. Not just because of what happened but because I find myself in a position where I can almost wish a terror attack on a commercial business. These fucking savages trampled a man to death over some holiday savings. Read that last sentence out loud and soak that up for a minute. Of the several hundred people or so who stepped repeatedly on this man, crushing his vital organs and causing his lungs to fill up with blood and collapse before his heart finally stopped beating, not a single one took the time to stop and help him. Responding police officers reported that they were repeatedly jostled and shoved while trying to administer CPR to the dying Wal Mart employee. At first I mistakenly just wrote this off as New Yorkers being New Yorkers. Then I read that there was a shootout with at least two dead in a Toys R Us outside of Los Angeles as well today. I think America needs to be finished. Maybe a nice Great Depression to remind people where their priorities should be. Things are getting exponentially worse. My mom told me a story about two women throwing punches over a Tickle Me Elmo in a toy store about ten years ago. I was shocked at the time. Now we have shopping related homicides on both coasts. If it was up to me, I'd pull those security tapes and every fucking savage that put a foot on that man would be facing at LEAST felony reckless endangerment charges if not manslaughter.
I'm curious to know how "Jake Palumbo" posted that comment above, as it was not mine...hmm...
And it just dawned on me as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and re-read this...I was likely still signed into Blogger when I left yesterday. Buck is my roommate. A squared + B squared = C squared.
Allow people to amass for hours in barely lit parking lots, then open the doors and let a horde of people stampede through. What could go wrong?
This is a failure on every level of society. Corporations take little to no precautions in terms of security and organization when incidents in these events have been escalating every year. Consumers so desperate for marginal savings on already cheap merchandise produced in sweatshops that they engage in anti-social, animalistic behavior. Criminals being given a virtual buffet of weak, cash flush morons to take advantage of.
Unfortunately, a new Great Depression isn't going to give Americans who have never known anything but convenience and instant gratification pause to reassess their role in a larger society, it's going to give these people an excuse to revert to their primal state and embrace their id. Imagine the person who would trample another human being to get to a thirty-nine dollar DVD player or a three-hundred dollar plasma TV. Now imagine that person when their two hundred channels of reality show reruns or the electricity necessary to view the director's cut of "2 Fast 2 Furious" for the fifty-ninth time have been rendered well beyond their fiscal means. These people are neither mentally nor emotionally prepared for sacrifice and struggle beyond figuring out how to TiVO "Deal or No Deal" at the same time as "Two and a Half Men".
Amerrrica! Fuck yeah! Indeed.
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