Monday, March 23, 2009

RIP Abismo Negro

In the ongoing attempts to keep up with all manner of wrestling deaths, and to also reflect my love of the lucha to the libre, I am sad to report that Andrés González, who ushered in the character Abismo Negro, passed away on March 22, 2009. He was 37.

Near as I can tell, from the Spanish news article accompanying the news of his tragic demise, Abismo was on a transit bus (wonder if he was wearing his mask? ... there's no word one way or the other ...) when he demanded that the driver let him out. The driver saw Abismo as being agitated and in a "nervous crisis" ... a panic attack? Abismo was then apparently lost, as he texted his wife a message to that effect. Then, one thing leads to another, and boom! Authorities find Abismo Negro floating face down in a local river, dead.

Obviously, nefarious circumstances have NOT been ruled out.


WrestlingTom said...

Man I couldn't belive it, i followed his wrestling career for a while right before he started to appear in those mexican T.V day shows. I just bought couple of wrestling masks of him at I just read the spanish the article as well. R.I.P Avismo. Great wrestler. I use to love the white paint under his was brutal.

Khriz said...

Avismo was one of my favorites.. rest in pease brother...