Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sleep number bed, civil rights, more

I love this commercial! For no other reason than while Lindsay Wagner is talking about the virtues of a sleep number bed, it shows a jackhammer testing the durability of the mattress.


Anyway, I caught a few minutes of Raw before I went to bed, and I love how Vince gets propositioned by Shelton Benjamin's momma. Is this what Dr. King fought & died for??!

Two days down, and STILL waiting for the Absorbing Man bust. Goddamn DHL!!

If the Hulk statue I just won from ebay comes through them and it's this hard to get my hands on, I will go to Greer and kick their asses.

Ah, man, new Game Informer reflects on the greatness that was WCW/NWO Revenge for N64. So great was my waxing nostalgia that I took Mortis & Yuji Nagata to the WCW tag titles. I now long for a SGM Super 30: Video Games feature. Who's wit' me?


Rev. Joshua said...

My N64 is at my nephew's place because I thought his was broken, but it was just my dumbass not being able to remember that the jumper pack was not the expansion pack, otherwise that mention would probably lead to me breaking out either No Mercy or WM2K. I have played both of those games beyond the point of sanity, especially during my stoner days. Holy god, the amount of time we put into No Mercy is absurd. But I'm all for an SGM top 30 video games.

Nate said...

So, one vote for a SGM Super 30 video games edition.

I may be sending out a feeler email to the usual suspects this week.

Ron said...

I'd be up for posting something, or at least sending in titles for a compliation.