... or Big Lots, or Family Dollar, what have you. Shitloads of DVDs, all at impossibly low prices.
I posted some kung-fu films I found a while back, but recently, I also found the "Tattoo Connection" (Jim Kelly brings the "black six million dollar man" awesome) and "Pieces" (Italian splatter horror), at $1 apiece. Stumbled upon "Kung Fu Zombie" a few days prior to that for about $2.50. And, in the piece de resistance, "Glengarry Glen Ross" at Big Lots.
In a complete jacking of my own post, to save some folks the trouble of doing it, ya'll best believe that the swan song of the PS2 is coming, faster than you may want it to, given that the PS3 is going to be weighing in at approx $600 and for that reason alone there's no way in hell I think I'm going to get one. So mark these dates on the calendar (subject to change, like a WWF PPV, 2006 style):
9/20/06: Yakuza (A Japanese GTA, and why not, since we've had the London GTA - "Getaway" - the West Coast GTA - "True Crime: Streets of LA" - and GTA in the '30s - "Mafia" - except this one might be different 'cause it looks like it might not be shit.)
10/6/06: Mortal Kombat Armageddon (Every Kombat fighter from MK1 to MK6 ... including the shitty ones ... in their little 3D style of fighting. Could be the last good MK game; "Shaolin Monks," I think you hear me knocking.)
10/10/06: Justice League Heroes
- and -
11/3/06: Ultimate Marvel Alliance (How cute, duelling RPG superhero games. "Ultimate" is made by the folks behind those "X-Men Legends" games; "JLA" is made by folks who made "Tomb Raider."* So how Batman's going to scale walls with big bouncy jugs, I'll never know.
*It should be noted that a Reservoir Dogs game is coming out too, and given that "Scarface" and "The Godfather" got/are getting the game treatment, it seems that the crime film trifecta is complete.
12/1/06: Bully (Really?! You mean it?? After being slated for 2005, then Spring '06, then August '06, now December? Yeah, we'll see.)
2/2007: God Of War II (Did you know that there's a sex mini game in God Of War I? Yep, and it totally gets missed by the detractors of the GTA series. Stupid bastards. So hopefully, we see more gouging out Cyclops' eyes, gutting Harpies, and more Greek titties than you can shake a trident at.)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
So, go hit up your local Dollar General ...
Posted by
12:20 AM
"God Of War' is an awesome game and how do you get to the sex mini game? Anyway, good looking out on the cheap DVDs. Are they in legit packageing or the flimsy cardboard deals? I know it is minor but hey I am a dork. I am looking forward to several of the games you posted and I like you will not be buying the PS3 (at least not for a long long time). The good news may be that older PS2 games should drop in price like the PS1 games did and we can pick up some good titles for next to nothing.
How is the move going?
This, according to Gamespot:
In the Beginning of Act 2, there are 2 women in your bed when you are inside your ship. If you jump on the bed, A circle will appear above the bed, indicating a Mini-game. Press Circle, and the game will start. All you see is the vase, but as you get further, the vase will shake more and more, until it falls and breaks. you have to press the buttons as it commands it. closer to the end, you have to rotate the Left Analog Stick. If you win, the first time, you get a large amount of Red orbs. Everytime afterwards, you get 5 more.
Re: the DVDs, they're legit. I did wonder if they were bootlegs, since it was out of print kung-fu films and pretty decent studio flicks. Today, I picked up "Strange Brew" at the Family Dollar next door, and "House of 1000 Corpses" for $5. I'm telling you, pretty good stuff ... just depends on what your movie tastes are.
On the PS2 gaming tip, there are actually a few out now that I'm interested in picking up that have dropped in price, like the 3rd "Prince of Persia," "Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks," and maybe "Indigo Prophecy" or that "Ultimate Spider-Man" game where you play Venom.
Sony can kiss my ass because of the PS3 and their Blu-Ray shit that started all this "next step in digital entertainment" bullshit in the first place. Nothing's wrong with DVDs, only now it's going to be more of a crapshoot for rare films to be released. I hope HD-DVD and Blu-ray go the way of Beta and UMD.
I'm going to post some new stuff about the house, and how the move's coming along. We just got in from doing some painting, and we took some pictures. We can't afford movers, so we're going to do all the moving ourselves. If anyone's gonna be in town Aug. 19, holla at ya boy.
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