Friday, November 17, 2006

An interesting article on why HD-DVD & Blu Ray suck

The movie studios and electronics manufacturers think—wrongly—these new high-def formats will extend the market for home-entertainment media indefinitely. Both formats will fail, not because consumers are wary of a format war in which they could back the losing team, a la Betamax. Universal players that support both flavors of HD should appear early next year. No, the new formats are doomed because shiny little discs will soon be history. Here are four reasons why. [more]

Yay on one hand, "oh shit, Big Brother is out to get me" on the other. The odds on me being a 7o+ yr old hermit, living in my dark shack, watching "Five Deadly Venoms" for 18th time on my DVD player, which would by this time be running off of a complicated system of belts and pulleys and gerbils, a la the Flintstones, have just jumped up a bit.

1 comment:

Rev. Joshua said...

The idea that pushing the Blu-Ray on the PS3 will doom the system and ultimately Sony itself is wildly pessimistic. Consumers have yet to revolt over the ever-changing mediums that we've seen so far and most have owned some single albums and movies on anywhere from two to four different formats. If vinyl to cassette to 8-track (and back to cassette) to CD or VHS to Beta to Laserdisc to DVD hasn't caused rioting in the streets, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD surely won't.

Regardless, I don't see people using their X360s and PS3s as true multi-purpose machines. I'm certainly not putting a fucking movie in something I paid four-hundred bucks to play video games on when I can use my twenty-five dollar Wal-Mart special APEX and save the unneccessary wear-and-tear. And the size of Blu-Ray discs are almost useless for the purpose of gaming. (A literal three-month RPG? A WWII shooter that lasts as long as the actual war? No.) The worst thing that happens here is that Blu-Ray and HD-DVD never catch on as standards for gaming and the next gen systems go back to DVD.