Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The poll that's up

Here's what I'm thinking:

I could do one of two things for 2007.

I could make and upload a podcast mp3 for download. I'm estimating an approximate hour of audio "stuff" that would could be burned to CD or uploaded to an mp3 player (if anyone has one).

Ooor ... I could develop an approximate 6 song Flash-based radio that could potentially be opened to a new window, that way enabling you (the reader) to listen to the music no matter what other sites you visit.

So, let me know something, ya'll.


Rev. Joshua said...

I voted for a podcast, but either one works. I don't know about the legality of either choice, copyright-wise. I'm also assuming that both of these are going to require large amounts of storage space and bandwith, which we have to go along with the new domain name.

Nate said...

NO WAY!!! I like the sound of that.

As far as a copyright issues, I'm a firm believer that we'd be talking about a very limited audience that would be getting this stuff. So I think the copyright net wouldn't be spread too far over to get me.

Rev. Joshua said...

Well, my main concern would be any monitoring the GoDaddy staff would be doing of the account. Likely very little, I suppose.

I'm wondering if the hosting can be used for a shoutcast station, which would be teh awesome~!, or if that's a separate hosting requirement. Given the limited amount of bandwidth it would require, I think we could get it in under the allotment of 250GB per month on limited settings (64kbps broadcast quality, no more than 4 users at a time).