Mostly current events stuff, including a news item from my own adopted little community.
See, now this is the shit I've been talking about. Dregs of humanity style shit; this is some dumb ass stuff that involves cheerleaders, a coach, a principle, and the SC National Guard. Thank God no one emailed a soldier telling them to get the fuck out of Iraq, or this just might have made the all-time best stupid shit list.
But, on a different note, this dominated a part of group therapy today. I made the comparison to how our society has set itself up to expect the worst in people anyway, so why are we shocked by stuff like this cheerleader thing, or the lady dying from hyperhydration, or some 29 homo trying to get himself into a high school so he can further corrupt children who probably grow up in environments that are far more corrupt that he could imagine.
I made the comment that I could be the best therapist that ever touched down on God's green, but no one would know about it. However, you put me drunk behind the wheel of a car that plow through three houses, and I'll forever be known as "that therapist that drove through them houses." That's the product of a sickened society. Hell, I'll bring this up here; even being a therapist - a male at that - you have that automatic stigma that eventually you're gonna want to fuck your female clients. I shouldn't have to keep my door cracked when I'm counseling a female, and good lord help us if she has issues that she wants to discuss about the sex act, 'cause then I'm just up shit riviera.
More fun Wikipedia shit, this time it's about how a community forum for independent volunteer editing really isn't that efficient. Which is funny, 'cause if you read deep enough into the article, you get the impression that they're disallowing a company that's at the target of insulting/ biased entries to make any adjustments to their entry. But yet, we can't get Tom Bettini recognized as a Kingsport resident without having to deal with infonazis.
The fact that a residential facility allowed Isaiah Washington to be admitted for calling a castmate a faggot is insulting to my profession. At least add that maybe it's because he married his butt-fugly wife. (Plus, as bad as people think it is that Washington dropped this slur, the fact that this article is titled "Gay-hab for Isaiah Washington" pleases me greatly, so much that I think I'm going to start code-naming the act of facilitating inpatient psych services for clients "going gay-hab.")
And I'm getting fed up with this ongoing trend I'm noticing with articles written by "reporters" apparently bereft of any grammatical skill. I thought, "Oh shit, Brandy died?!" only to find out that I cared about her for all of 5 seconds for no reason, other than the fact that her clumsy driving killed four people. But, that's kinda misleading, isn't it? A trip through Google News these past few days have yielded such wonderful nuggets such as this. I swear, when the news broke on the whole water drinking lady dying, I wondered how the hell some asshole reporter could try to convince me that hyperhydration had 3 children. Bah, fuck grammar. Apparently, much like personal responsibility for our actions, it's yet another thing that we don't need.
Fuck it, ya'll, it was a long day today.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The shit don't stop 'til the breakadawn
Posted by
6:58 PM
Labels: Current Events and Politics
So did the cheerleaders get drunk and watch the teacher fuck the guardsman? Because that's awesome and I don't know what everyone's pissed about. Fucking and drinking? Now, if the cheerleaders got strung out on heroin after murdering and dismembering the guardsman, all on the orders of the teacher, that's something to get up in arms about. Also, wouldn't it be politically correct to refer to the cover up as "the good ol' girl network?" You know what, every story is made better with some lesbian action and that's exactly what "the good ol' girl network" sounds like.
And I think our society has set itself up to expect the worst, but we're schizophrenic about ourselves; at the same time we expect that stuff like that never happens. People are shocked by a woman drinking herself to death on water to win a video game console (and even the weakest of the three current-gen systems at that) and appalled by the idea of a four-way all-man gang bang involving a 61-year old and a 29-year old who is posing as a 12-year old. Now I saw The Receiver a long time ago, so nothing shocks me anymore, so I'm just glad I still have wits about me to recognize that shit as "fucked up" at the least.
Isiah Washington going into rehab over a slur just fucking reeks of brainwashing. Rehab has become a cop-out for celebrities and media notables anyway; damn near every time someone fucks up in public, they go to rehab. Apparently, alcohol was driving Republican misbehavior in Congress (Mark Foley and Bob Ney both checked into rehab after their improprieties were revealed) and Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism. Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie's weight-loss programs turned out to be chemical dependencies. Ashley Judd needed professional help with perfectionism. But rehab for a gay slur? That's just going to give the hydroencephalic viewers of Fox News the idea that liberal brain-doctors are conditioning people to accept homosexuality. What are they going to do, force him to watch "Rent" on an endless loop, Clockwork Orange-style, until a six-foot, three-inch tall man in stiletto heels and short skirt doesn't trigger the phrase "cum-guzzling faggot" anymore? And why does a black man need to be told that there are certain things that you don't call certain people lest you be considered a worthless bigot?
I hate this planet.
The teacher really was not that bad looking. Don't you love how some of the teachers that hook up with their students seem to be hot. I mean-what gives. If that had ever happened to me I would have been an honor student for sure.
But seriously, what made her think that this was okay. I mean another thing is how the principal of the school denied she knew anything and the police found out she had some record of what was going on and the principal was arrested. I love that!!!!!!!
South Carolina at its finest ladies and gentlemen
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