Sunday, September 30, 2007

[Lucha] The short form

I watched this in the AM; after no sleep, AAA should just be happy that I'm dedicated.

This was a weird show, as three of the four matches ended in DQ.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've missed X-Pac these past few shows. But next week, a must watch: Charly Manson vs. X-Pac ... yeah, boy.

Here's what I know:

- The Alfa/Apache angle is still awesome;
- Super Calo is 2007's Comeback Kid, as he's been outstanding in every show I've seen him on;
- El (Judas) Mesias will make TNA 10x better, if he can stay healthy long enough; and,
- One reason why Lucha Libre is better than American wrestling: El Guapito is nobody's bastard son.

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