Monday, October 01, 2007

The SGM Month of Halloween begins today!

Here's a preview of what's going down.

I'll be watching a horror movie a day, posting up some reviews, trivia, write-ups, and such for each. Granted, I'm only going to watch thirty days of movies, because on Halloween itself, I'll probably be detained, watching whatever movie festival might be on TV, giving out candy, etc.

I'll also look at horror comics that have been out recently, as well as some past books that some may remember.

I have a lot of horror-themed video games that I either haven't played at all (to this point, anyway), or have played a little bit. I'll be throwing those in the PS2 and examining those on their merits.

I found a CD that I had made in 2004 for Halloween of that year; I'll re-rip it, bundle it into a .zip or .rar, and put it up for download.

I've got a background & a banner ready to go for the month.

And, as we near All Hallow's Eve, I'll be putting up polls and discussion about older horror icons vs. the newer batch we've had since the late 70s to late 80s.

I hope this'll be as fun for everyone to read, as it will be for me to do. (And vice versa.)

1 comment:

Rev. Joshua said...

I'm down.

Something I've noticed now that I have a majority of the posts tagged is that the remaining untagged posts tend towards discussion of holidays. The main holidays of note here at SGM are April Fools, Halloween, and Christmas.