Monday, May 05, 2008

Colleague has copper stolen from her air conditioner system

Hey, it just goes to prove my own personal theory about the world ...

Just when you think you've seen it all happen and you think nothing can surprise you, something else will take its place. From school shootings to reality TV, to banning stem cell research, to gas at $4 a gallon, to teachers sleeping with their students because that 5th grader is the love of their life, to stealing copper out the air conditioner ... nothing gets better, it just gets more notice.

I remember that I used to sit squarely on the side of personal responsibility, whenever the argument would come up about whether or not media/video games promote violence among people. Then "American Pie" came out ... then a few weeks later, there was an AP article about a young fellow who burned his genitals from simulating the pie-fucking scene. And that right there made me realize that entertainment is the SOLE cause of all that's wrong in the world. And now we have reality TV, so now when we argue that someone's behavior is being promoted by entertainment, we can only point the finger back at reality. I have seen the enemy and they is us. That's why I don't watch TV anymore.

I'm rambling. I'm tired. I'd wish for death, if I wasn't so sure I'd burn in hell.

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