Monday, June 02, 2008

File under "What the hell for?"

"Tourists applauded firefighters Monday as Universal Studios reopened, while investigators examined the ruins of some of the most famous sets in Hollywood to find the cause of the spectacular weekend blaze.

"When the gates opened, hundreds of people streamed into the venerable movie studio-theme park, which was closed Sunday after the early morning fire.

"Tourists on the tram ride through the sets gave a round of applause to firefighters still putting out hot spots. At least a dozen fire trucks remained on the lot and smoke was still rising from thick, twisted piles of girders.
" [more]

So, that's the secret to beginning China's healing process, following the devastating earthquake: Tourist dollars. Just re-open the gates to China and let the visitors in to look at all the destroyed attractions, like, y'know, China.

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