Monday, June 23, 2008

Science Gone Mad: Audio eXchange

When I was around the age of 13, Dad handed me his copy of George Carlin's "Toledo Window Box" and said that he thought I might like listening to it. I enjoyed stand up comedy and I was getting into that rebellious phase that teenagers inevitably go through; Dad probably discovered Carlin as part of the counter-culture of the mid-to-late 70s and even though I wasn't close to that part of my life yet, it was probably a prescient suggestion.

This album comes after his transition from traditional mainstream comedy to counter-culture herald, but before he had turned into a hilariously raging fury against a fucked up world. Drugs, farts, snot, wordplay, more farts, urinals, and a brief foray into religious kookery...classic Carlin.

Download it here.

"Here are words that no one has ever said before: please saw my legs off. Hand me that piano." I still laugh at "hand me that piano" and I always will.


Nate said...

I have a question, that actually leads to something later ... what's your favorite track on here?

Rev. Joshua said...

It's a toss up between "Some Werds" and "God." "Hand me that piano." "God is all powerful. God can do anything he wants. He can t'row a boat right over a hedge."