Sunday, July 13, 2008

Science Gone Mad: Audio eXchange

Yep, another long week. But this is dope track to chill to.

Breakfast Club - Z-Trip f. Murs

"If you can't relate to this song, you're taking shit too serious."


Jake Palumbo said...

Coincidentally enough, last week I was at the studio I work at in Hells Kitchen, and I noticed a black dude with really funky hair on the corner with some random white girl. Didn't think much of it, as I was walking out of the bodega, they were walking in, and it was in fact Murs. I didn't say hello, mainly because I was blazed and didn't really have anything to say to Murs that day, and he was pretty in tune to the chick he was with. Good track though, Z-Trip does his thing.

Nate said...

I do think I'd have marked out a little, but that's mostly a carryover for the Living Legends crew as a whole, rather than just for Murs.