Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[100 word horror fiction] I used to be alive.

Then I posed questions to my supervisors about our company’s involvement in cybernetic weaponry development.

Now, I can feel metal grinding on metal inside my body. Steel tension springs coil where my muscles used to be. My sensory perception has been replaced by digital readouts and neuro-chemical input.

I awoke today standing on the war-torn fields of Angola, firing a heavy caliber handgun against my will. When my optical sensors identified no more active lives – man, woman, or child – I “fell asleep” again.

I’m now the ultimate war machine.

Every night, I dream of death.

1 comment:

Rev. Joshua said...

Very ominous, post-apocalyptic. I can dig it. That reminds me, Fallout 3 is coming. Mmm...

Can I suggest a small rewrite in the third and fourth paragraphs:

"Today I awoke, standing on the war-torn fields of Angola, firing a heavy caliber handgun against my will. When my optical sensors identified no more human activity – man, woman, or child – I “fell asleep” again.

I am now the ultimate war machine.