Friday, August 31, 2007

Those Raw updates might be a little shorter.

The WWF suspended 10 of their guys for being involved in some sort of steroid ring.

A poster on Shoom and Poop, or Whatever had a list of supposed suspendees, and ESPN and the NY POst have two different lists. Edge and Nitro are on both lists, with the NY Post saying Orton, Booker T, Regal, Kennedy, and some other midcarders are gone. ESPN has Bautista, Funkai and other guys I have never heard of.


And, note, that I'm not calling the WWF "New York" or "NY" because, quite frankly, that's stupid.


Nate said...

And, note, that I'm not calling the WWF "New York" or "NY" because, quite frankly, that's stupid.

I kinda tend to agree with this. Kinda like calling TNA "Nashville" or calling IWGP or All Japan "the Japs."

Nate said...

On another note, I saw on 411 Wrestling that Kurt Angle was also found to be involved in said steroid ring.

Now, if TNA suspends him, they've killed all their title matches for their next PPV, "No Surrender."